Board Members

Your 2023-24 Board Members:

  • President – Tracy Smith
  • Vice-President – Rachel Rhodes
  • Secretary – Debbie Askine
  • Treasurer – Christie Cali
  • Newsletter Editor – Art & Donna Salatin

Please contact us if we can be a help to you in any way.

Board Member Nominations

Nominations for the PEACH board members are accepted for each term.

If you wish to nominate someone, please have their permission to do so. Couples can serve in one office. If you wish to nominate yourself, that is acceptable also. The bylaws state that “A member of the Board shall have been an adult in a PEACH family for a minimum of one school year. Board members must either be actively homeschooling at least one child, or have graduated at least one homeschooled child in the past while a member of PEACH.”

The board has been meeting approximately every other month, and conducting other business by email when necessary. Meeting dates/times are set to accommodate all board members. If you have questions about any of the offices, please let us know. We are happy to answer any questions and help guide the new board into these leadership positions.

To nominate yourself or someone else, please contact the board or the nominating committee members announced in the Peach Newsletter.

The list of candidates will be published annually in the newsletter and the election will be held at a regular PEACH meeting.